アニメに生きてアニソンに死ぬ感じ。http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/14562303http://www.youtube.com/user/gucchib http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co1670284アニソン弾き語りyoutubeチャンネルを登録してもらえると嬉しいです。https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcLZtWXXmDPvH1XDq-zy6DQSing Japanese anime songs with a guitar And Study EnglishThank you for watching.I am Japanese And I like Japanese animation.I want to get along with Geeks.Please excuse my English is not good※Broadcasting on youtube and Japan(niconico) at the same time NOT Soliloquyif you like my singing,Please Subscribe to my channel m(_ _)mhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcLZtWXXmDPvH1XDq-zy6DQthank you
Sing Japanese anime songs with a guitar And Study English Thank you for watching. I am Japanese And I like Japanese animation. I want to get along with Geeks. Please excuse my English is not good
※Broadcasting on youtube and Japan(niconico) at the same time NOT Soliloquy