今回は自分でモデルを作ってみることにしました。 V2の初期衣装を思い起こさせるようなデザインにしたかったんです。 ミクがVOCALOID6に戻ったらの衣装とも言えますね(笑)。 ぜひ模型をお楽しみください。
I have decided to make my own model this time. I wanted to go for a design that looks back on her original V2 outfit. You could say that it's an outfit if Miku went back to VOCALOID6 lol. Please enjoy the model.
モデルの配布: https://bowlroll.net/file/315400
I have decided to make my own model this time. I wanted to go for a design that looks back on her original V2 outfit. You could say that it's an outfit if Miku went back to VOCALOID6 lol. Please enjoy the model.
モデルの配布: https://bowlroll.net/file/315400